Quarrying techniques at Lynford 2004, have been refreshed. The current aim is to continue by excavating narrow spits that will only require drainage while work is in progress. Unofficial reports state that gravel deposits in an easterly direction have less depth, therefore commercial quarrying at Lynford may not be viable for very much longer. Gravel extraction sites for the time remaining, are to be back-filled and landscaped rather than flooded.
The quality of the remaining gravel is excellent, and top quality 'Brandon series' flint is more abundant than ever. Lithics that resemble finds from the 1970's - 1980's, i.e. slightly rolled and patinated, although scarce, are still coming from the now enormous reject heap.
Val never lost her ability to spot handaxes, even at dusk! Here Val picks up a small handaxe that has been badly damaged by the gravel grading process. Thursday evening, 22nd July 2004.
The Lynford gravel extraction ended at Christmas 2006. Below: See Lynford landscaped and replanted as a 'Forest Enterprise Nature Reserve'.